bin and ball


[1] Consider a process that throws balls uniformly at random into b bins and let C be a subset of these bins. If the process throws q leq b log|C| balls, then the probability that each bin in C has at least one ball is at most frac{1}{exp(gamma cdot ((1 - frac{q}{b cdot log|C|}) cdot log|C|)^2)} if |C| geq 2, where gamma is some constant strictly less than 1. If |C| = 1, then the probability is at most 1 - (1/4)^{q/b}.

Comment: conpon analysis + chernoff bound


[1] Consider a process that throws t balls into b bins uniformly at random. if t leq b/e, then the probability that there are at most t/2 occupied bins is at most 2^{-t/2}.


[1] Consider a process that throws balls uniformly at random into b bins and let C be a subset of these bins. If the process throws q balls, then the probability that at least theta cdot |C| of the bins in C have at least one ball is at most frac{1}{exp(frac{theta cdot |C|}{6})} if q leq theta cdot b /2; and at most frac{1}{exp(frac{theta cdot |C|}{6} cdot (frac{theta cdot b}{q}-1)^2)} if theta cdot b/2 < q < theta cdot b


[1] Co-Location-Resistant Clouds, by Yossi Azar et al. in CCSW 2014

Online Hiring Problem


If there are n candidates, and we do not want to interview all candidates to find the best one. We also do not wish to hire and fire as we find better and better candidates.

Instead, we are willing to settle for a candidate who is close to the best, in exchange of hiring exactly once.

For each interview we must either immediately offer the position to the applicant or immediately reject the applicant.

What is the trade-off between minimizing the amount of interviewing and maximizing the quality of the candidate hired?



We analysis in the following to determine the best value of k that maximize the probability we hire the best candidate. In the analysis, we assume the index starts with 1 (rather than 0 as shown in the code).

Let B_i be the event that the best candidate is the i-th candidate.
Let O_i be the event that none of the candidate in position k+1 to i-1 is chosen.
Let S_i be the event that we hire the best candidate when the best candidate is in the i-th position.

We have Pr(S_i ) = Pr (B_i cup O_i) = Pr(B_i) cdot Pr(O_i) since B_i and O_i are independent events.

Pr(S_i)  = sum^n_{i=k+1} Pr(S_i)
= sum^n_{i=k+1} frac{1}{n} cdot frac{k}{n-i}
= frac{k}{n} sum^n_{i=k+1} frac{1}{i-1}
leq frac{k}{n} cdot (ln n - ln k)

Setting this derivative equal to 0, we see that we maximize the probability, i.e., when k = n/e, we have the probability at least 1/e.

[1] Introduction to Algorithms, CLSR

随机过程 总结


– 概率论、随机过程的测度论基础:probability space、convergence theory、limit theory、martingale theory
– Markov process
– stochastic integral
– stochastic differential equations
– semimartingale theory

– stochastic integrals
– stochastic differential equations (SDE)
– semimartingale
   – Ito process
   – Levy process: 解决ruin问题
– Brownian motion

Average Age of Renewal Process

1. Definition

  • Let S_n be the n-th renewal
  • Then S_{N(t)} = time of the last renewal (prior to time t)
  • Let A(t) = t - S_{N(t)}
    • A(t) is called the age of the renewal process
    • Interpretation: A(t) is the time since last renewal 

2. Average Age of Renewal Process

  • What is R_n? R_n = int^{S_n}_{S_{n-1}} A(t) dt
  • R_n is the area under the curve for one cycle
  • so E(R_n)) = E[(X_n)^2/2] = E[X^2_n]/2
  • Thus the long-run average of the process is 
    • frac{E[R_n]}{E[X_n]} = frac{E[X^2_n]}{2E[X_n]}

Renewal-Reward Process

1. Definition

  • let N(t) be a renewal process
  • Let R_n = reward earned at n-th renewal
  • Assume R_n are i.i.d, but can depend on X_n (length of the n-th cycle)
Then R(t) = sum^{N(t)}_{n=1} R_n is a renewal reward process.
Intuitive explanation: R(t) = cumulative reward earned up to time t

2. Renewal Reward Theorem 

Proposition 7.3 
  • lim_{t to infty} frac{R(t)}{t} = frac{E[R_n]}{E[X_n]}
  • lim_{t to infty} frac{E[R(t)]}{t} = frac{E[R_n]}{E[X_n]}
Provided E[R_n] < infty, E[X_n] < infty

3. Example: Inventory Problem



Reversible Markov Chain

1. Definition

Let X_1, X_2, cdots be a Markov chain with transition probabilities P_{ij}.

P_{ij} = Pr{X_{n+1} = j| X_n = i}

E.g. A sample realization is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Let X_n, x_{n-1}, cdots be the same sequence in reverse, i.e. cdots, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, cdots

Let Q_{ij} be the transition probabilities of the reversed process. That is
Q_{ij} = Pr{X_{n-1} = j |X_n = i}
              = frac{Pr{X_{n-1} =j, X_n = i}}{Pr{X_n = i}}
              = frac{Pr{X_{n-1} = j} Pr{X_n =i | X_{n-1} = j}}{Pr{X_n = i}}
              = frac{Pr{X_{n-1} = j} P_{ji}}{Pr{X_n = i}}

2. Conclusion

In the steady state, assuming the limiting probabilities exist, we have
Q_{ij} = frac{pi_j P_{ji}}{pi_i}  or pi_i Q_{ij} = pi_j Q_{ji}

The above equation is saying that the rate of transmissions from i to j in the reversed chain is equal to the rate of transitions from j to i in the forward chain.

A DTMC is time reversible if Q_{ij} = P_{ij}

Markov Chain — Branching Process

– Stochastic Course Notes

1. Definition

Consider a population

  • Each individual produces j new offspring each period with probability p_j, j geq 0. Key assumption: This distribution is constant over time.
  • Assume that p_j < q for all j (i.e., the problem is not deterministic)
  • Let X_n be the size of the population at period n

2. Number of Population in the n-th Generation

3. Probability of Die Out



4. Example: Family Genetics

