My security road
Naming Entities
- A name in a distributed system is a string of bits or characters that is used to refer to an entity
- Type of names
- Address
- The name of an access point of an entity
- Identifiers
- A name that uniquely identifies an entity
- Location-independent name
- A name that is independent from its addresses
Name Resolution
- A naming system maintains a name-to-address binding for resources
- Main problem in naming
- How to do name resolution in a distributed systems in a scalable way
- Approaches for name resolution closely tied to naming scheme
- Flat vs Structure naming
- In a flat name space, identifiers are random bit strings
- No information on location embedded in name
Name Resolution in a Flat Name Space
- Simple solutions that work in a LAN environment
- Broadcasting & Multicasting
- Message containing identifier of the entity is boardcast
- Machine with access point for the entity replies with the address of the access point
- ARP protocol for finding the data-link address of a machine given the IP address
- When network grows, multicast is more efficient
- Forwarding pointers
- When an entity moves from A to B, it leaves behind a reference to its new location at B
- Home-based Approaches
- Home agent keeps track of current location of mobile entity
- Hierarchical Approaches
What is a DHT
- Distributed Hash Table
- key = hash(data)
- lookup(key) -> IP address
- send-RPC(IP address, PUT, key, value)
- Send-RPC(IP address, GET, key) -> value
- Chord
Structure Naming Systems
- Names are organized into name spaces
- A name space can be represented as a labeled, directed graph wit two types of nodes
- Leaf nodes and directory nodes
- Absolute vs relative path names
- Local names vs global names
- Name resolution: the process of looking up a name
- Closure mechanism
- Knowing where and how to start name resolution
- Unix File Name Spaces
Linking and Mounting
- Mounting remote name spaces
Implementing Name Spaces
- Naming service
- A service that allows users and processes to add, remove, and lookup names
- Name spaces for large-scale widely distributed systems are typically organized hierarchically
- Three layers used to implement such distributed name spaces
- Global layer
- root node and its children
- Administrational layer
- Directory nodes within a single organization
- Managerial layer
- Example: DNS name space
Iterative vs Recursive Resolution
- puts a higher performance demand on each name server
- cons
- Too high for global layer name servers
- Pros
- Caching is more effective
- Communication costs may be reduces
- Example
Attribute-based Naming
- An entity is described in terms of (attribute, value) pairs
- Each entity can have several attributes
- Attribute-based naming service are called directory services
- LDAP (Lightweight directory access protocol) defacto industry standard
- Based on OSI X.500 directory service
- Another example: UDDI for web services