Markov Chain – Classifications of States

1. Definition of States

  • Communicate: State i and j communicate (i leftrightarrow j) if i is reachable from j and j is reachable from i. (Note: a state i always communicates with iteself)
  • Irreducible: a Markov chains is irreducible if all states are in the same communication class.
  • Absorbing state: p_(ii) = 1
  • Closed Set: a set of states S is a closed set if no state outside of S is reachable from any state in S. (This is like absorbing set of states)
  • f_i: be the probability that, starting in state i, the process returns (at some point) to the sate i
  • Transient: a state is transient if f_i < 1
  • Recurrent: a state that is not transient is recurrent, i.e., f_i =1. There are two types of reurrent states
    • Positive recurrent: if the expected time to return to the state if finite
    • Null recurrent: if the expected time to return to the sate i is infinite (this requires an infinite number of states)
  • Periodic: a state is i period if k>1 where k is the smallest number such that all paths leading from state i back to state i has a multiple of k transitions
  • Aperiodic: if it has period k =1
  • Ergodic: a state is ergodic if it is positive recurrent and aperiodic.

2. Example: Gambler’s Ruin

3. Example: Random Walk

Markov Chain (Discrete Time)

1. Definition

Let {X_n, n =0,1,cdots} be a stochastic process, taking on a finite or countable number of values.

X_n is a DTMC if it has the Markov property: Given the present, the future is independent of the past
P{X_{n+1} = j| X_n = j, X_{n-1} = i_{n-1} ,cdots, X_1 = i_1, X_0 = i_0} = Pr{X_{n+1} = j| X_n = i}

We define Pr{X_{n+1} = j| X_n = i} = P_{ij}, since X_n has the stationary transition probabilities, this probability is not depend on n.

Transition probabilities satisfy sum_j p_{ij} = 1

2. n Step transition Probabilities

P^{n+m}_{ij} = sum_k p^m_{kj} p^n_{ik}


3. Example: Coin Flips

4. Limiting Probabilities

Theorem: For an irreducible, ergodic Markov Chain, pi_j = lim_{n to infty} P^n_{ij} exists and is independent of the starting state i. Then pi_j is the unique solution of pi_j = sum_i pi_i P_{ij} and sum_j pi_j = 1.

Two interpretation for pi_i

  • The probability of being in state i a long time into the future (large n)
  • The long-run fraction of time in state i
  • If Markov Chain is irreducible and ergodic, then interpretation 1 and 2 are equivalent
  • Otherwise, pi_i is still the solution to pi = pi P, but only interpretation 2 is valid.

Splitting a Poisson Process: M/G/Infinity Queue

1. Notation

  • M: “Markovian” or “Memoryless” arrival process (i.e., Poisson Process)
  • G: General service time (not necessarily exponential)
  • infty: Infinite number of servers
  • X(t) be the number of customers who have completed service by time t
  • Y(t) be the number of customers who are being served at time t
  • N(t) be the total number of customers who have arrived by time t

2. Splitting the arrival process

  • Fix a reference time T.
  • Consider the process of customers arriving prior to time T. 
  • A customer arriving at time t leq T is
    • Type I: if service is completed before T
      • occur with probability P_i(t) = G(T-t)
    • Type-II: if customer still is service at time T
      • occur with probability P_{II}(t) = G^c(T-t)
Since arrival times and services times are all independent, the type assignments are independent. Therefore, 
  • X(T) is a Poisson random variable with mean lambda int^T_0 P_I(t) dt = lambda int^T_0 G(T-t) dt = lambda int^T_0 G(t)dt.
  • Y(T) is a Poisson random variable with mean lambda int^T_0 P_{II}(t)dt = lambda int^T_0 G^c(T-t)dt = lambda int^T_0 G^c(t)dt
  • X(T) and Y(T) are independent
What happens when T to infty
  • G(t) approx 1 for large t. Therefore, X(T) is a Poisson random variable with mean lambda t
  • Y(T) is a Poisson random variable with mean lambda int^T_0 G^ct)dt = lambda E[G]
Summary: Number of customers in service in an M/G/infty queue, in steady state, is a Poisson random variable with mean lambda E[G].

3. Example

Compound Poisson Process (CPP)

1. Definition: 

Remove the restriction that two or more customers cannot arrive at the same time, (i.e., remove orderliness property)

Let N(t) be a Poisson Process with rate lambda, and let Y_i be the i.i.d random variable, then X(t) = sum^{N(t)}_{i=1} Y_i is a compound Poisson process

Example #1: Buses arrive according to a Poisson process. Let Y_i be the number of people on bus i, and let X(t) be the total number of people arriving by time t.

Example #2: Insurance claims arrive according to a Poisson process. Let Y_i be the size of the claim (in dollars), and let X(t) be the total amount due to all claims by time t.

2. Expectation: 

E[X(t)] = E[E[X(t)|N(t)]]
Since E[X(t)|N(t) = n] = E[sum^n_{i=1} Y_i] = nE[Y_i], i.e., E[X(t)|N(t)]  = N(t)E[Y_i]
So E[E[X(t)|N(t)]] = E[N(t)E[Y_i]] = E[N(t)]*E[Y_i] = lambda t E[Y_i]

3. Variance: 

var[X(t)] = var[E[X(t)|N(t)]] + E[var[X(t)|N(t)]]
and we have Var[X(t)|N(t)=n] = var(sum^n_{i=1} E[Y_i]) = nVar[Y_i]
or var(X(t)|N(t)) = N(t)Var(Y_i).
So Var[E[X(t)|N(t)]] + E[Var[X(t)|N(t)]]
  = Var[N(t)E(Y_i)] + E[N(t)Var[Y_i)]
  = lambda t E^2[Y_i] + lambda t Var(Y_i)
  = lambda t E^2[Y_i] + lambda t (E[(Y_i)^2] - E^2[Y_i])
  = lambda t E[(Y_i)^2]

4. Example: 

Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process (NPHH)

1. Properties:

  • N(0) = 0
  • N(t) has independent increments
  • Pr{N(t+h) - N(t)} = lambda(t)h + o(h)
  • Pr{N(t+h)-N(t) geq 2} = o(h)
  • This is like a Poisson process, without the stationary assumption
A process with the above properties is a NHPP with intensity (or rate) function lambda(t)

2. Definition: 

The mean value function (for a NHPP) is

m(t) = int^t_0 lambda(u) du

3. Key Properties: 

  • For a NHPP, N(s+t) – N(s) is a Poisson random variable with mean m(s+t) - m(s)

The Poisson Process

1. Priliminary Definitions

Def : A stochastic process is a collection of random variable (RV) indexed by time {X(t), t in T}.

  • If T is continuous set, the process is a continuous time stochastic process (e.g., Poisson Process)
  • If T is countable, then the process is a discrete time stochastic process (e.g., Markov chain)
Def. A counting process is a stochastic process {N(t); t geq 0} such that
  • N(t) in {0,1,cdots, 2} (that is, N(t) is non-negative integer)
  • If s < t, the N(s) leq N(t) ( that is, N(t) is non-decreasing in t)
  • For s<t, N(t) - N(s) is the number of events occurring in the time interval (s,t].

Def: A counting process has stationary increments if the distribution of the number of events in an interval depends on the length of the interval, but not on the starting point of the interval. That is, P(N(s+t) - N(s) =  n) does not depend on s. Intuitively, the interval can be “slide” around without changing its stochastic nature.

2. Definition of Poisson Process

Definition 1: A Poisson process is a counting process {N(t); t geq 0} with rate lambda >0, if:

  • N(0) = 0;
  • The Process has independent increments
  • The number of events in any interval of length t is a Poisson RV with mean lambda t.
That is, for all s,t geq 0 and n = 0,1,2, cdots
P(N(s+t) - N(s) = n) = e^{-lambda t} (lambda t)^{n}/n!.

Definition 2: A Poisson process is a counting process {N(t); t geq 0} with rate lambda >0 if

  1. N(0) = 0
  2. The process has stationary increments
  3. The process has independent increments
  4. Pr{N(h) =1} = lambda h + o(h) (# of events approximately proportional to the length of interval)
  5. Pr{N(h) geq 2} = o(h) (can’t have 2 or more events at the same time — “orderliness”)
Eliminating of individual assumptions yields variations on the Poisson process
  • Eliminate assumption 2, Non-stationary Poisson Process
  • Eliminate assumption 3, Mixture of Poisson Process (choose lambda randomly, then run a Poisson process)
  • Eliminate assumption 5, compound Poisson Process
Definition 3: A Poisson process with rate lambda is a counting process such that times between events are i.i.d distribution exp(lambda)

3. Conditional Distribution of Event Times

4. Example

The Poisson Distribution

1. Definition of Poisson Random Variable

Def: A Poisson random variable with mean A and probability mass function: P(X=i) = E^{-A}frac{A^i}{i!}

  • mean: A
  • variance: A

2. Binomial Approximate Poisson

Let X_i be an indicator variable of either 0 or 1. And assume Pr(X_i = 1) = A/N for all i. Then E[X] = A.
Based on the assumptions, we have a binomial distribution:
P(sum^N_{i=1} X_i = k) = binom{N}{k}(A/N)^k(1-A/N)^{N-k}
                                            = frac{N!}{(N-k)!k!} (A/N)^k (1-A/N)^{N-k}
                                            = e^{-A} A^k/k! (A Poisson random variable)

3. Example

P(X_i =1) =1/365.
X = sum^{400}_{i=1} X_i is approximately Poisson with mean 400/365
Then P(X geq 2) = 1 - P(X<2) = 1-e^{-A} - Ae^{-A}

4. Priliminary Definitions

Def : A stochastic process is a collection of random variable (RV) indexed by time {X(t), t in T}.

  • If T is continuous set, the process is a continuous time stochastic process (e.g., Poisson Process)
  • If T is countable, then the process is a discrete time stochastic process (e.g., Markov chain)
Def. A counting process is a stochastic process {N(t); t geq 0} such that
  • N(t) in {0,1,cdots, 2} (that is, N(t) is non-negative integer)
  • If s < t, the N(s) leq N(t) ( that is, N(t) is non-decreasing in t)
  • For s<t, N(t) - N(s) is the number of events occurring in the time interval (s,t].
Def: A counting process has stationary increments if the distribution of the number of events in an interval depends on the length of the interval, but not on the starting point of the interval. That is, P(N(s+t) - N(s) =  n) does not depend on s. Intuitively, the interval can be “slide” around without changing its stochastic nature.

Exponential Distribution and Properties

– Stochastic Process course notes

1. Definition

  • Probability function: f(x) = lambda e^{-lambda x}, x geq 0
  • Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF): F(x) = 1-e^{-lambda x}, x geq 0
  • Complement of the CDF (CCDF): F^c(x) = e^{-lambda x}, x geq 0.

2. Memoryless Property

Def`1: A random variable X has the memoryless property if Pr{X>t+s| X>s} = Pr{X>t}

Def`2A random variable X has the memoryless property if Pr{X>t+s} = Pr{X>t} Pr{X>s}

The exponential distribution is the only distribution that has the memoryless property (Satisfy definition 2)

3. Useful Properties: First occurrence among events

Assume X_1, X_2, cdots, X_n are exponential variable with rate lambda_1, lambda_2, cdots, lambda_n.
Then what is the probability that X_1 < X_2.

More generally

Pr{X_i = min[X_1,cdots, X_n]} = frac{lambda_i}{lambda_1+lambda_2+cdots +lambda_n}

4. Distribution of time of first event

This is the CDF of an exponential RV with rate (lambda_1 + lambda_2), therefore
min(X_1, X_2) ~ exp(lambda_1 + lambda_2)

5. Distribution of time of last event (maximum)